Hello SOFT 2024 Exhibitors, Thank you so much for exhibiting with us! We want to express our sincere appreciation for your participation in SOFT 2024. Your presence adds tremendous value to our event, and we are excited to welcome you to St. Louis, MO. Below, you'll find essential information regarding exhibiting at Union Station in The Midway West Exhibit Hall, as well as instructions for logo submission, program book details, and important deadlines. Should you have any inquiries or require assistance, please feel free to contact CC Watson. Thank you once again for your support, we look forward to a successful collaboration at SOFT 2024! eXHIBITING Information & Deadlines SUBMIT YOUR ITEMS FOR SOFT HERE!
Information and SubmissionSubmission: Please use the Exhibitor Submission Form to submit your items for SOFT 2024. Below you will find detailed information for each submission item. Please review the descriptions and use the form to submit your item to SOFT. Company Logo: Please submit a high-resolution file of your company logo. You can upload multiple versions of your logo if you'd like, we will use the version that fits best within our SOFT 2024 marketing materials. Program Book Advertisement: Exhibitors that have purchased ad space in the Program/Abstract Book will need to submit a high-resolution advertisement for inclusion in the digital Program/Abstract Book. Program Book Free Company Listing: All SOFT Exhibitors are given free space for a company listing in the Program/Abstract Book. If you would like to submit your free listing, please follow the guidelines below for submission:
Lunch & Learn: SOFT will publicize your Lunch & Learn on the SOFT website and via email blasts. Please see the guidelines below to submit your promotional information. Promotional Information:
Meeting Bag Advertisement or Item: Advertisement: Exhibitors that have purchased a Meeting Bag Advertisement will need to ship 1,000 pieces to the Advanced Warehouse, your shipment must arrive no later than October 23. Advertisement may not exceed the size of a standard sheet of paper, 8.5” x 11”. Shipping information for your package will need to be submitted to SOFT. Item: Exhibitors that have purchased an Item will need to ship 1,000 pieces to the Advanced Warehouse, your shipment must arrive no later than October 23. Your item will need to be approved by the SOFT office to avoid duplication with SOFT giveaway items. Please send a digital proof of your item to CC Watson for approval. Shipping information for your package will need to be submitted to SOFT. Please use the Exhibitor Submission Form to send your tracking information for advertisement/item. Please provide the following: